
Showing posts from July, 2017
About the SRC/OC Committee It is a organization which is kointly made to organize the MMU orientation program. The Interview On July 26, we completed interviewing task. We interviewed  Daniel Saw which is a MMU's Student Representative Council. The interview was held in an empty class in the CLC building. Daniel was interviewed by two of our group members which were Samuel and Chang Fong. I (Harraz) was assigned to be the interviewing typist, in charge on typing every single question that Daniel answered. All members were present and each of them fully participated and helped in this interviewing process. The Interview Summary We are unable to include the video in this blog as the video file was accidentally shot at a 4K format. Rendering the 6 minute video to acquire the size of 3 gigabytes. The blogspot default uploading quota can only be up to 100mb videos. However we played the video on our laptops, jotted down every questions answered by Mr Daniel Saw.
General Discussion in Library We gathered together libary to discuss about the preparation of the coming interview. We prepared the survey form and interview question according to the guidelines given by madam Ruziani. At that time we also contacted Daniel Saw and Miss Chin Fei Fei to assign time date and venue for our interview session.  Job Distributions Samuel -             Assign Task, Leading the interviewing processes. Harraz -           Organize group blog, Prepare group presentation. Chang Fong -   Help in contacting the interviewee. Liong -             Prepare the group presentation. Shun -               Record video of the Interview Session. Masanobu-        Assist group tasks. Jaycee -             Assist group tasks, Help distribute the survey form, help in the interviewing process. Tamilarasan -   Assist group tasks. Fumina -           Assist group tasks.
Acknowledgement  First and foremost, we would like to thank our beloved Group Dynamic lecturer Madam Ruziani whom distributed this assignment for us and teaches the details on how to do the blog and the presentation as well as the interview. We would also like to thank our interviewee which is Daniel Saw and Miss Chin Fei Fei who sacrificed their time in helping us to complete the survey  Introduction Orientation  program is mandatory to all Universities including MMU especially for new intake students. The purposes of having the orientation program are to help freshmen to adapt in the new learning environment. Knowing that all the students come from different states and countries and most of them are not familiar with the new environment that they are facing. so, orientation program will help them to feel more comfortable and to avoid any uncomfortable situations. Besides, the orientation program can hlp them to make more friends from the other courses. This programs also a