
First and foremost, we would like to thank our beloved Group Dynamic lecturer Madam Ruziani whom distributed this assignment for us and teaches the details on how to do the blog and the presentation as well as the interview. We would also like to thank our interviewee which is Daniel Saw and Miss Chin Fei Fei who sacrificed their time in helping us to complete the survey 


Orientation program is mandatory to all Universities including MMU especially for new intake students. The purposes of having the orientation program are to help freshmen to adapt in the new learning environment. Knowing that all the students come from different states and countries and most of them are not familiar with the new environment that they are facing. so, orientation program will help them to feel more comfortable and to avoid any uncomfortable situations. Besides, the orientation program can hlp them to make more friends from the other courses. This programs also aid student n learning new experiences throughout the process by meeting new people and making new friends. During the orientation program, the admission unit will organize  a faculty briefing for all the freshman so that they can know more information about their faculty and what they are going to study.

                                            (Faculty information booklet during orientation)

Inglorious Undergraduates Members

Samuel Koh Chong Yan

Abdul Harraz b Abdul Rahman

Masanobu Watanabe

Chua Chang Fong
Shun Hokama

Liong Zhi Kang


Fumina Yamashita

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The Making of The Blog

On 12th of July,Wednesday. We held our very first meeting of our Group Dynamics Group Which is called The Inglorious Undergraduates. On this day, we also signed up for WordPress and made our blog. This post is actually our first ever blog for this group.

We went on countless websites, choosing the right platform to make this blog. At first we went on Wordpress but it was too complicated to use. We also have to pay monthly if we subscribed on Wordpress.

                This is a short video of the Making of this bLOG


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