About the SRC/OC Committee
It is a organization which is kointly made to organize the MMU orientation program.

The Interview
On July 26, we completed interviewing task. We interviewed  Daniel Saw which is a MMU's Student Representative Council. The interview was held in an empty class in the CLC building.

Daniel was interviewed by two of our group members which were Samuel and Chang Fong. I (Harraz) was assigned to be the interviewing typist, in charge on typing every single question that Daniel answered. All members were present and each of them fully participated and helped in this interviewing process.

The Interview Summary
We are unable to include the video in this blog as the video file was accidentally shot at a 4K format. Rendering the 6 minute video to acquire the size of 3 gigabytes. The blogspot default uploading quota can only be up to 100mb videos. However we played the video on our laptops, jotted down every questions answered by Mr Daniel Saw. Here are some of it...

The Survey
We conducted a survey on 25 random students about their level of satisfactory towards the services provided by the OC/SRC committee. There are 8 questions listed in the survey form

Here are some pictures of students completing the survey form given. These are June Intake students.

The results we accumulated showed various results.


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