Preparation for the Presentation

27, August ,Today, we burned the midnight oil in finishing  the slides for our presentation. The presentation is going to be about the summary of the group dynamics assignment. We analyzed the two meeting held by SRC committee and the Admission unit by listening and jotting down every answer that they give regarding our questions provided. We also analyzed the all surveys and calculated the percentage of the surveys given to 25 students.Which all will be presented on the slides.

We also went through the whole interviewing video and listed down all the answered questions from our interviewee. We spent 3 hours completing and polishing our slides. And prepared our MMU T-shirt for the presentation

The conflict with Samuel's housemate

We had a minor conflict with one of Samuel's housemate when we had our second session in preparation of the presentation. It was late at night and we may have been making some noises that may disturb Samuel's housemate. His housemate came out of his room and complained to Samuel's that we were making too much noise. We may have been distraught his sleeping time. So we decided to make the presentation slides more quicker and more efficient . So we decide to hold our meeting at KFC where there is a plug available for our laptops


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