
We felt quite puzzled on these new experiences, opinions and new information. We also felt happy and stressed at the same time completing all the task and assignment given by our lecturer and we are thankful for the things we faced. We also learned new things and this assignment may or may not have changed the way think in our daily life as is a very impacting subject. We also gained new experiences and gained new knowledge through every class and every assignments we had gone through. We also learned on how to cope with the obstacles by thinking out the best solution to overcome them. This subject provides us with the knowledge on leadership and group chemistry which aids us in completing all the task. And it will also be useful for future use

  During the course of this subject we did gain most of the knowledge through experience.  This is know as experiential learning. Where we acquire knowledge trough being present in a specific space at a given time. The thing about experiential learning is that it is more powerful and impactful as it happens to us physically. And given we acquired a specific knowledge at that time. The knowledge would also be almost permanent to the human mind as learning is more effective when it is in an active process. Through this method, we also developed leadership capabilities in every group member especially the leader. Every group member is now more capable in completing their given task.

We have also improved our communicating skills through this subject by applying the rule of 7 C's in any given communication in the group to make any interactions more systematic and clear to both the sender and the receiver. WE used multiple types of communications to experiment and to learn from it such as verbally, non-verbal written and visual. Building on that, this technique of communication is very versatile and useful because we asses the feedback given by the receiver so we can correct any mistakes in communications that we made. The definition "Group Communication" is a message sent by a group member to one or more receivers with the conscious intent of affecting the receivers behavior. Which means, it is crucial for a functioning communication to happen in order to make things work in our group and we we did.


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